Information for Web Designers

    • Thanks for visiting this page. You’re probably here because you received an Email or contact form submission from us. This page provides information about connectDaily Events Calendar.

connectDaily is the best-in-class events calendar available for Joomla! and WordPress with customer sought after features not found in other CMS calendar plugins.

We believe in our product, and we think you will too. We’d like to ask you to consider including connectDaily as part of your web site designs. connectDaily won’t cost your end users anything unless they want to use its premium features. We offer a 30 day trial for our premium features, so your end-users can try them out. Regardless of whether users use the basic version, or premium features, there’s only one plugin version.

Free Basic Version Information

connectDaily is available as a plugin for WordPress and Joomla. The basic version is FREE. Just a few of our basic features include:

      • Responsive
      • Multiple Views: Responsive Month View, Mini-Calendar, Detailed List of Events, Simple List of Events, and iCalendar export.
      • Recurrence support including exception dates.
      • High Performance
      • Complete documentation including video tutorials.

Premium Features Information

We offer a complete set of premium features too that includes things like:

      • Resource Management (Room Booking) – Watch the Tutorial
      • Approvals for Events and Resources
      • Ticketing Support (EventBrite & Brown Paper Ticket)
      • Custom Fields
      • Telephone Support

For a complete list of features, please visit our features page. All premium features can be tested by your customers free for 30 days. Regardless of whether your users choose to use the free calendar, or premium features, they use the same plugin.

What Makes our Calendar Plugin Best?

We’re calendar professionals, not hobbyists or part-timers, and it’s not a side-line to our main business. It’s what we do, and our expertise makes us the number one choice. Here are some of the ways that shows:

    • Features – We have an amazing feature set that we’re constantly expanding on.
    • Support – We offer personal telephone, email, and forum support.
    • Stability – connectDaily is an industrial strength system that’s incredibly stable.
    • Longevity – We’ve been selling connectDaily for over 12 years. We’re here to stay.

Why should I use your calendar when the themes I use already have one?

Including connectDaily as part of your theme can increase your end-user satisfaction and help your customer retention. Have you ever been asked if your current calendar could do things that you wish it could, but you just don’t have time to implement those changes? We offer a fully-mature calendar system that can be dropped directly into your design. Our plugin includes responsive month view calendars, mini-calendars, simple and detailed lists of events, along with iCalendar export widgets, and more. All of these elements can be instantly included in your theme’s design.

We can also work with you on data conversion so your customers can seamlessly move to connectDaily with their existing data intact.

Our Promise to You

If you (or your users) encounter a compatibility problem between a theme (or another plugin) and our plugin, we will:

  • Investigate it promptly.
  • If the issue is ours, we will provide a resolution in a timely manner.
  • If the issue is not ours, we will pinpoint specifically where the issue is and provide suggestions to the appropriate party on how to fix it.

Talk to Us

We’d love to speak personally with you about connectDaily. You can reach us at:

Voice: +1 303 438 9585

Email Me:

Thanks for considering our request and we look forward to working with you.

George Sexton
MH Software, Inc.

Industry Leaders Who connectDaily*

*Disclaimer, results may vary from person to person.