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Creating a Social Media Post

If you haven't already done so, please watch our social media integration tutorial:

Shockwave Tutorial

MP4 Tutorial

Once you create your event in connectDaily, you can post to your social media accounts about your event. To create a post, go to the Edit Event screen and click on the Social Media Icon. The Create or Edit Social Media Posts form will appear.

From the Account List, select which Social Media Account you wish to post to.

The Type dropdown lets you select the type of post you wish to create. For Facebook, a status update is the simplest and least flexible. A Post is the most complete.

You can choose to post the event immediately, or at some time in the future. See the comments below for more information about this.

The form lets you fill in the various fields and URLs associated with the selected post type. For the status example below, you would type in a subject and message. If you right-click on the input boxes, a pop-up menu will appear that lets you directly paste in the values from the event. For example, you can right-click and paste in the Location.

For the various URL inputs, you can select a URL from the dropdown list, or type in a different URL. connectDaily will find all of the URLs in your event, and put them in the dropdown list for you to choose. The same holds true for Image URLs.

Once you've got your post ready to go, click on the Create Button. Once the event is created it will be displayed in a list underneath the form.

Here are some things to know:

All Types

Facebook Pages

Facebook Accounts


See Also

Facebook and Twitter

Letting Visitors Like or Tweet About Events

Setting up a Social Media Account for connectDaily