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Manage Security Dialog

The Manage Security Dialog is used to manage the permissions for a specific Item (Calendar, Resource, etc). Using this dialog box, you can assign the available permissions for an Item to Users or Groups.

You can access this dialog by clicking on the Manage Security button at the bottom of the edit screen for Calendars, Users, Groups, Event Types, Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Resources.

The permissions available to each User or Group depend upon what you are editing. Click on the links below to see the permissions for each type of Item.

Generally, a check box appears to the left of each permission. If the box is checked, the User or Group has that permission. If the box is not checked, then the User or Group does not have that permission.

To remove a User or Group from the dialog click on the X icon to the left of the group or user name.

See Also

Security Management Tools

Repair Security Screen

Make Super User Screen

Manage Security Wizard