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Geographic Radius Search


Geographic Radius Search allows your users to search for events within a specific distance of their location. For example, a user could search for concerts but limit the results to those within 10 miles.

In order to use this feature, you must use locations when entering events. ONLY events with locations will be returned. Additionally, you must license this feature using the Feature Manager.

Enable Radius Search

Set to yes to enable radius search. Once you enable this option, an additional search block will appear on the event search pages allowing the user to search within a specific distance.

Geo Coding API Provider

Select the provider to use for address lookups from the list.

Geo Coding API Key

If the selected provider requires an API key, enter that value here. You must obtain your own key from a supported Geo Coding API provider.

Predefined Search Radii

A comma delimited list of radii to search withing. For example, "10,25,100" would give the user a dropdown selection list with those three values in it. If this value is blank a number input box is displayed and the user can type in the desired radius.

Search Type

The two supported search types are Address and Postal Code.


If the browser language preference is ??_US, then US miles are used for distance comparison. For any other country, kilometers are used.

See Also




Calendar License

Database Configuration

EMail Configuration

Sync/Export Options




Time Input

Other Options